
Stick Flinging

Adventure Location:  Decatur, Alabama

WOW We made it all the way through the day without needing the AC to cool us down! That was a nice change.The OFM made a decent trek of 2 miles around the park this morning and only had a light sweat showing. The nice cool breeze coming off Wheeler Lake and Flint Creek certainly was soothing.

Things in the OFM world have really slowed down a bunch. There is not a lot going on so blog entries will be short and/or intermittent in general. Tonight is a couple of pictures from in the park. The archery range has two sections. There is the field archery range where hunters can practice shooting at varied critter image targets at unmarked ranges. The OFM used to shoot field and target archery until shoulder injuries stopped him.

This next picture is of the target archery range. It is very well set up and even has a “tower” for the difficult downhill types of shots. Downhill shooting of a bow is a lot more difficult that it seems like it should be. In a couple of moments of glory in his teens, the OFM actually won a couple of local target archery tournaments. 

Along the trail this morning was a red topped toad stool that we at first thought someone had painted. When we stopped for a closer exam, it was the natural color of the toad stool. This was a first for the Teams.

Then just before we exited the woods along the river there was a small cluster of pretty yellow flowers calling for the OFM to photograph them. They turned out to be very pretty didn’t they.

Our current plan is to start playing some golf in September. Maybe something silly will happen that will be worth blogging about. We also have been keeping a list of things to do after school starts that look like they might good for trying to have tooooo much fun. ( ice skating is on the list)

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