
Morning Exercise

Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 03/02/2018

We are back on line again. When we got on line two days ago, about six hours later the electronics in the tower with the Sprint service blew out. We have been without campsite Internet since then. About 1600 today the service came back on.

Parts of several adventures have come together to be tonight’s blog entry. The OFM has been very diligently working on his energy levels. A lot of walking is going on. Naturally picture taking is a big part of the walks.

There is a very nice peaceful road that goes back into the vegetation from near our campsite. Mornings along that road generally means we see a few deer and other critters. It is a great limbering up path first thing in the morning. It feels like a nice half mile saunter from the Castle that is just right for getting all the stiff joints and sore muscles limbered up for the daily adventures.

On most walks the clouds put on some spectacular shows. In a day it is not unusual to get to appreciate five different cloud sculptures in the bright blue sky. Here is one from Wednesday.

The OFM like the fresh yellow flowers growing over near the boulders marking the DO NOT DRIVE PAST HERE boundary. Spring is breaking out all around us and we are loving being here to welcome it.

The sunsets are what a lot of folks think are special. However the sunsets are really just ordinary spectacular most nights. This was Wednesday’s sunset.

Thursday night was full moon night and the OFM just had to try to get a decent picture of the full moon and clouds. It did not come out quite like he envisioned it, but we feel it was still pretty darned nice to see.

Tomorrow is supposed to be another beautiful blue sky day. We are planning on getting in some hikes in some of the less used areas over the next week or so. But you know the Teams are just as likely to have an adventure in town as anywhere. Remember free camping and Boondocking is not the goal. Trying to have tooooo much fun is the goal.

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